Learning Resources:
- Adobe Max
- This website offers over 350+ free sessions focusing on adobe products. These are replays from the October 2020 virtual show.
- Basics of Photography
- The complete guide
- The complete guide
- The School of Photography
- This website offers a ton of free tutorials including portrait photography, night photography, landscape, and more.
- Creative Live
- They offer classes free while on-air, including a variety of subjects with many photography and photography business related classes.
- They offer classes free while on-air, including a variety of subjects with many photography and photography business related classes.
- Sony learning resources
- This website is mostly specific to Sony cameras, but some subject specific references as well.
- This website is mostly specific to Sony cameras, but some subject specific references as well.
- Tamron USA Pro Webinars
Here you will find all the presentations we have offered from our professional photographers over the past year. - Taxes for Artists 2022 Video from CPA Jessica Johnson – hosted by Greater Columbus Arts Council
Shows and Photo Challenges:
- 52 frames
- This is a free weekly photo challenge to keep you learning and challenging yourself. Each assignment has links to educational articles to give you ideas.
- Viewbug
- This websites allows you to upload and enter free photography shows for a chance to win prizes
- 20 Photography Contest to Enter
- Whether you are a professional or non-professional photographer, this website provides some good resources for shows you should enter.
Vendors for prints and supplies (if you have any you would like added please let Sue know)
WWW.Canvaspeople.com Discount Canvas prints
WWW.Easycanvasprints.com Discount Canvas prints
o.com Camera equipment and accessories
WWW.Adorama.com Camera equipment and accessories
WWW.mpex.com (Midwest photo exchange) Camera equipment and processing
WWW.Printique.com (Formerly Adorama Print) Quality, affordable, prompt Photo printing
www.WHCC.com Quality, affordable, prompt Photo printing
WWW.Fotodiox.com Aftermarket camera accessories
https://fractureme.com/ Glass Prints
Artivita.com Online exhibitions
Lazertrans.com Photo transfer media
ColoradoTimberline.com Printed photo accessories
www.Clearbags.com Photo bags and sleeves
Backdropexpress.com Backdrops